Schools Against Vaping

Sponsor Schools Against Vaping

Join the fight against another national scourge, the Vaping Epidemic, that threatens the health of our students. Through your donation, Schools Against Vaping will continue to educate students and work with school districts to keep vaping out of our schools and away from our children.

Sponsorship Levels:

Website Sponsor: $500.00 (Limit of 2 per month)

Sponsor our website—which serves as our #1 tool to communicate our goals and as a record of our activities, including every school district that signs on to our cause.

What you’ll receive:

  • Your logo featured on the front page of our website with a link to your website.
  • A tagged thank you on our Facebook page
  • A shout-out in our next newsletter
  • 5 Official SAV Partnership Stickers
  • 2 Official SAV Advocacy Posters

Social Sponsor: $250.00 (Limit of 3 per month)

Sponsor our Facebook page and be a part of our community outreach online.

What you’ll receive:

  • A tagged feature shout-out on our Facebook page
  • A shout-out in our next newsletter
  • 3 Official SAV Partnership Stickers
  • 1 Official SAV Advocacy Poster

Newsletter Sponsor: $100.00 (Limit of 5 per month)

Sponsor our newsletter and be a part of our community outreach.

What you’ll receive:

  • A shout-out in our next newsletter
  • 2 Official SAV Partnership Stickers

Friends of Children and Education who want to sponsor the academic curriculum and education/cessation programs of the Schools Against Vaping Fund can make donations by making checks to Schools Against Vaping and mailing it to  PO Box 902, Hattiesburg MS 39403. Write “SAV” on the memo line.

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